The bible verse for today’s devotional is: Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:


The bible records in 1 Chronicles 12:32 that the sons of Isaacha had an ability to discern the time, they had men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do.  Understanding God’s timing is often essential for appreciating and accepting our experiences. This will help in taking proper actions that would launch us into His perfect will. 

Moments when God changes the happenings, circumstances or situations around us demands our attention and submission. God wants us to understand and recognize the divine shifts or seasons in our lives. 

The Greek words for time include: Chronos (earthly time), Kairos (a divine appointment), Neos (numerically new), Kainos (unprecedented), Pleroo (fullness of time). It is worth noting that God is in all these timings to perfect His will in our life. To align with God’s timing, we must accept responsibility to do our part, build our trust, activate our faith, hone our flexibility and hold fast to God’s word and promises.

Father Abraham and Sarah experienced God’s timing first hand, against their human timing. Let us remember that God does not work with our schedule, a thousand years is like a day before him, this helps us to accept our period of waiting with more grace and patience. 

As we move into our God-ordained destinies, it is reassuring to know that God has already seen the future from the beginning, as we trust and obey him, he makes all things beautiful in his time.

Here are a few reflective questions:

  • Am I putting in my best?
  • Do I trust God’s timing?
  • How do I handle expectations against the realities of life? 
  • Do I experience peace in every situation I encounter?

 Let us pray

Lord, I pray for the spirit of discernment and the gift of perspective that aligns with your will for my life. Amen

Please say these words of affirmation: Say them mean, own them and live them-

  • God knows when I will get there.
  • I will learn to appreciate God’s realities.
  • I am able to discern seasons and divine opportunities in my life
  • I will patiently wait until my Help comes

 Enjoy your day and see you tomorrow


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