The bible verse for today’s devotional is: Proverb 27:17 (NIV)
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
When you need to sharpen a knife, you must strike or grind it against another hard metal. The grinding motion smooths away imperfections and restores the knife to its original purpose. In the same way, a good relationship makes you a better person. A friend who sharpens you helps you fulfill your God -given purpose.
The constructive criticism of friends who speak the truth in love to you, can boost your spiritual growth. You must also try to be such a friend who lovingly speaks truth to others.
In 1 Sam 23:16 the bible tells of the friendship between David and Jonathan and how Jonathan saved David from the fury of Saul’s malice. David was able to navigate his journey in the wilderness because of the support and warmth of affection he received from men.
God sends gifts to us in the form of men to make our journey less stressful, bringing comfort and solutions in time of adversity. God uses men to give us direction, clarity, encouragement and motivate us for the task ahead.
Here are a few reflective questions:
- Am I intentional with my relationships?
- Are my friends helping me to see things from the perspective of growth and advancement
- Is my current relationship helping me to win or are they a disadvantage to my process?
Let us pray
Dear Lord, thank you for your word to me today. I attract quality relationships that will sharpen your purpose in my life. I received grace to be the same to my friends in Jesus name. Amen
Please say these words of affirmation: Say them mean, own them and live them--
- I am a true friend and I attract true friends to myself
- I have and I enjoy the constructive criticism of my friends for they build me.
Have a beautiful day. Take good care of yourselves. I’ll see you tomorrow.
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