The quote for today’s devotional is:
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein
In Matthew 25, verse 14 to 30, Jesus shares the parable of talents- a popular story about a master who distributes his ‘talents’ (money), to his servants in different proportions and then goes on a journey. When he returned, the first servant had multiplied his 5 talents to 10, the second one had multiplied his 2 talents to 4, but the third servant had hidden his talent and was reprimanded for not doing anything useful with what he was given.
Our life is like this treasure that the master entrusted to his servants- our life is the precious gift we have been given. In the same way we would not receive a beautiful package on our birthday, or at Christmas or on any other special occasion, and hide the gift, refusing to show it to others nor using the item received for our personal benefit or for the benefit of others, we also should not hide our lives.
Nick Vujicic was born without hands and legs due to a rare disorder. His early life was full of struggles, and he even considered ending his life at one point. But his story doesn’t end there. Through the love of family and his growing faith, he chose to go on and make something beautiful out of his life, despite the limitations of having no hands and legs. Today he is an inspiration to many as he travels the world motivating others to do more with the wonderful, precious gift they have received- their lives.
No matter what seems to be working or not working in our lives, the fact that we are still breathing- is a gift that must be treasured. Today’s lesson is a call to remember to be thankful for the precious gift that you have, and chose to let that gift bless you and others around you.
We are here for a reason, and for a season. If you are still breathing, it is because you are still vital, for a reason- that is something to be treasured and celebrated.
Here are a few reflective questions:
- What can I do today, to celebrate that I am alive/ be thankful that God trusted me with living another day?
- What is one thing I can do daily to remind myself of how much of a treasure, life is?
- In my own way, what can I do to use this treasure-my life- to be a blessing to others?
Let us pray:
Dear God, I am grateful for this precious life you have given me. Help me treasure my life and use it for your glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Please say these words of affirmation. Say them, mean them, own them and live them:
- My life is a precious gift.
- I am grateful I am alive.
- I live each day purposefully.
Have a pleasant day. I’ll see you tomorrow.
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