01-JULY-2024 - An Enemy Called Average

01-JULY-2024 - An Enemy Called Average

The bible verse for today’s devotional is: Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

‘I can do all this through him who gives me strength”.


Devotional Reading:

In life’s battle, there's a sneaky enemy that often goes unnoticed but can be one of the most formidable opponents we face: Average.

Average isn't just about grades or performance; it's a mindset that can hold you back from reaching your full potential. It's about settling for less than your best. Average can disguise itself as comfort, excuses, procrastination, or fear of failure.

To defeat this enemy called Average, you need to equip yourself with the right tools, which include:

Setting clear and achievable goals for yourself. Break them down into smaller tasks, Remember to celebrate every victory.

Believe in yourself and in your ability to succeed. Affirm yourself with positive statements.

With perseverance and dedication, you can overcome difficulty when things get tough.

Be disciplined enough to do what needs to be done, even when you don't feel like it.

Refuse to settle for average and inspire to push yourself beyond the boundaries of what is possible. So arm yourself with courage, perseverance, and a belief in your abilities, then go forth to conquer the enemy called Average. Your destiny awaits the greatness within you.

Here are a few reflective questions:

  1. In what area of my life have I settled for less?
  2. Do I have clear and achievable goals?


Let us pray:

O Lord help me to focus on you as the source of my strength so that I can achieve my goals and give the world my very best.

Please say these words of affirmation after me. Say them, mean them, own them and live them.

I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.

I am smart and intelligent.

I have all it takes to soar.

I am getting better and better every day.


Do have an awe-amazing day. Take good care of yourself and see you tomorrow